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#57: What Happens in a Coaching Session?

In this episode we talk about what happens during one of our private coaching sessions. We realize most of our listeners have never personally experienced being coached by a life/wellness coach and may come with some assumptions about what goes on.

First, coaching is client directed. You pick what you want to work on. 

Next, we listen...without judgement. We purely help bring to the surface what thoughts your brain is offering up. And you get to decide if they are getting you to where you want to go or not.

Then, if your thoughts aren't serving you, we help you create a game plan to change that. Coaching believes that you are capable and that the answers that best serve your life are within you. We just act as a guide.

Consider that it is estimated each person has ~60,000 thoughts daily, the majority are automatic without awareness. Your thoughts create your feelings, and your feelings drive actions that give you the results in your life. If you aren't where you want to be, a fantastic exercise is to go upstream to examine your thoughts. A coach helps you create the best version of your life.

Information from Lumos about the Night Shift/Circadian Rhythm Study:

"If you are currently working night shifts and have poor sleep because of the night shifts, we have a new product testing opportunity for you. Lumos is a Silicon Valley-based startup company developing a product with technology from Stanford that aims to ease the transition from day shift to night shift work rotations.

We are inviting individuals who currently work regular night shift rotations to test out our newest prototype device. The study is free to participate. All we ask is that you tell us about your experience using our product, which will come in the form of surveys, quick cognitive tasks, sleep tracking devices, wearable light sensor devices, and using our iOS compatible app.

    Are you eligible?
    1. Currently working regular night shift rotations
    2. Access to iOS device
    3. 18-65 years of age

For more information, contact us at [email protected], or fill out our quick interest form ( Thank you!"


*Couldn't join us for our FREE CLASS how to work in the dumpster fire of healthcare without getting burned? Check here for the replay.

If you want to work with us, visit our website: We have private coaching and online courses available. Additionally, we're happy to lecture for your institution. Sign up for our Weekly Well Check by clicking the link. The Weekly Well Check is your weekly dose of encouragement and your only access to secret insider sales on our products.

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This experience is powered by CMEfy – an AI-powered platform that directs learners along a pathway to capture reflections at the point of inspiration, point of care. Clinicians may earn CME/CE credit via ReflectCE, the accredited activity portal. Learn more at